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Your brand is just a lagging indicator of who you are.

over 3 years ago

The best brands are simple from afar, but sophisticated up close.

over 3 years ago

7/N For customers, your marketing is part of value they derive from you and your product is the reason why it’s worth telling their friends

A big fraud in the modern economy is complete silence on what goes on in the supply chain for bringing a product cheaply and efficiently to the market. Most consumers will change their purchasing decisions significantly if they get to intimately know the supply chain.

People don't have short attention spans: • They finish 3 hour Joe Rogan episodes. • They binge 14 hour shows. They have short *consideration spans:* they must be hooked quickly. Point: Don't fear making great, in-depth content. But, ensure your first minute is incredible.

One way to think about it: Brand marketing increases the potential energy for revenue: it primes users to convert at a higher rate in the future. Growth marketing then converts that potential energy into kinetic: it increases conversions now.

How do you build a company with the brand loyalty of Tesla or Apple? pic.twitter.com/6oNRstyyW4

Julian tweet image
over 3 years ago