10 Tweets about
Business Strategy
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It's wild how gifts play with your mind. My real estate agent sent me an amazing box of toffee and caramels for the holidays. Instead of just spending $20 and buying some for myself, my brain is like, "These are incredible! I should buy another house!"

Stay small even if you can afford to be big. The more people you have on the team, the harder it is to get everyone rowing in the same direction. The cost of consensus is more expensive than the cost of payroll.

Monetizing your friendships is not a sustainable way to build a business.

How I run my business 2020 was my 10th year as an entrepreneur. Here are some "rules" I try to follow after a decade of stumbling around building my company. (Not rules for all businesses. Just how I choose to run mine.) A thread 👇👇👇

about 3 years ago

A simple rule that guides many of my business decisions: I want to accumulate assets, not responsibilities.

about 3 years ago

When @trouty asked @garyvee how the Empathy logo started, Gary said: “I was just so damn appreciative every time I did a book signing, and I just started doing this heart and exclamation point. It felt so right, it just became the way I signed everything.” pic.twitter.com/SPe8lcuJqE

In order for curation businesses to be successful they should: - Give someone their start or otherwise be an inflection point - Be legible (cadence, credibility, curriculum) - Invest in alumni NPS - Be so curated that every person is legit or provide so much value the best join twitter.com/eriktorenberg/…

Don't overthink starting a biz: There's a guy in NYC giving a walking mafia tour in NYC. See the cafes, restaurants, locations of famous mob stuff in NYC It's $150 a head. He's done at least 8000 of the tours. That's $1.2m in sales. airbnb.ca/experiences/10…

.@balajis told us how he'd build a huge media biz. He's doing that now with a newsletter that pays people prizes to launch new companies: 1729.com. But to understand what to build, we discussed the history of media. Click the link in the video for full ep. pic.twitter.com/QLmurwGofj

IPaaS -> Irish Pub as a Service☘️ Have visited many an Irish pub on my travels, including highest in world in the Colca Canyon🦙Peru and #Tokyo on St Pats day... Business ideas #InABox from @ShaanVP @TheSamParr mfmpod.com/183-how-course…