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Ambitious short-term goals like this are critical to moving closer to a net-zero future. As we rapidly scale the solutions we have, we must also invest in innovation to reach our ultimate goals. Thank you @POTUS for your leadership. b-gat.es/3xcT7Ap

Your success depends on the risks you take. Your survival depends on the risks you avoid.

On funerals, loss, grief, friendship, and support: It's not about knowing what to say. It's about being there when nobody knows what to say. The only thing people need to hear is, "You are not alone." And that doesn't require words. It just requires your presence.

On funerals, loss, grief, friendship, and support: It's not about knowing what to say. It's about being there when nobody knows what to say. The only thing people need to hear is, "You are not alone." And that doesn't require words. It just requires your presence.

The paradox of risk: (1) Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Lose the basket and you lose it all. (2) Don't put your eggs in too many baskets. The more baskets you manage, the less energy you can put into each one. It's risky to do things halfway. Diversified, but focused.

Advice my dad just gave me: "Do your best and be at peace with it." A good reminder for us all, I think.

Without hard work, a great strategy remains a dream. Without a great strategy, hard work becomes a nightmare.

The advice to “focus on the process, not the outcome” is only partially correct. Life is certainly not about any single outcome, but good processes are those that increase your winning percentage. If your outcomes aren’t improving, the process needs to change.

about 3 years ago

One of the greatest forms of freedom comes from knowing what is important to you. It grants you the freedom to ignore everything else.

What is the real goal? The real goal is not to “beat the market.” The goal is to build wealth. The real goal is not to read more books. The goal is to understand what you read. Don’t let a proxy become the target. Don’t optimize for the wrong outcome.

The Paradox of Sacrifice: Feelings of sacrifice decrease as commitment increases. Sacrifice feels greatest when deciding between options of similar importance. You don’t know what you want to do. The more you commit to one thing, the less you care about missing out on others.

When you lose track of time, you are either living your best life or wasting it.

about 3 years ago

Many actions are less about the action itself and more about the signal it sends to others. It’s not about the clothes. It’s about seeming sexy or powerful. It’s not about the words. It’s about seeming smart or kind. To understand people ask, “What are they trying to signal?”

When feedback is immediate, clear, and concrete, people learn quickly. When feedback is delayed, abstract, and opaque, people rarely learn.

about 3 years ago

Showing up and working hard will always be the cost of entry. But when everyone else also works hard, your strategy is what makes the difference.

When reading books or listening to podcasts or taking advice, remember that everyone is biased to their personal history. The world is complex and there is no single path to a success. Look for patterns that are repeated across many successful people, not single stories.

Two questions: (1) What is your job? (2) What is one strategy or tactic you use at your job that is also useful in other areas of life?

There will always be room for high quality work. Excellence is perpetually scarce.

about 3 years ago

Stop worrying about how long it will take and get started. Time will pass either way.

about 3 years ago

The most practical decision making skill is not making better choices. It is learning how to design your choices so they are cheap, fast, and easy to reverse. The person who does this well learns faster, and the person who learns faster finds the right answer.

It is better to start as a fool and learn from your mistakes than to fake being a genius and ignore your errors.

How to handle rejection: -Learn from the experience -Keep your ego in check -Say thank you -Try again How to handle success: -Learn from the experience -Keep your ego in check -Say thank you -Try again

If you work, inspiration will come. If you wait, inspiration will too.

Raise your ambitions. Lower your expectations. The higher your ambitions, the bolder your actions. The lower your expectations, the greater your satisfaction. Change the world and be happy along the way.

There are all kinds of cheat codes laying around, but they usually look boring. The cheat code is often the obvious thing. It's "the fundamentals" applied consistently and without distraction. There are many things people know work, but don't actually do.

You can attract luck simply by telling people what you are working on.

about 3 years ago

Success is often a matter of luck and randomness, but it can be encouraged by effort and strategy.

If you never copy best practices, you’ll have to repeat all the mistakes yourself. If you only copy best practices, you’ll always be one step behind the leaders.

The gap between starting before you feel ready and waiting for permission can be a lifetime.