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Brand Marketing
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Every year, I respect marketing, messaging, sales, and communications more Best books: - Pitch Anything (Klaff) - Nobody Wants to Read Your Sh*t (Pressfield) - Positioning (Ries, Trout) - Influence (Cialdini) - Scientific Advertising (Hopkins) - Priceless (Poundstone)

High leverage e-commerce wins: 1. Reduce checkout friction - Apple/Android Pay for the win 2. Quality photos - Don't have filthy cars in the car showroom 3. Free delivery - The Amazon generation hates paying 4. Social proof - Nobody buys what they don't trust.

Golden rule - Marketing is a multiplier of product. If you multiply zero by one trillion, you get zero.

The best marketers in 2020 are polymaths The ability to switch between creativity and data is an incredibly unique skill

over 3 years ago

Things that will change in marketing: 1. Acronyms 2. Platforms 3. Buzzwords 4. Price points 5. Algorithm hacks Things that won't change in marketing: 1. Marketing is a multiplier of product 2. If your marketing doesn't cause facial expressions, it will never win

over 3 years ago

Overrated: Influencer marketing on Instagram Underrated: Influencer marketing on YouTube and Twitter. The former (often) has a shallower relationship. The latter (often) has a deeper relationship.

over 3 years ago

This results in what I call “The Doerr Problem” Whatever is easiest to be measured will be optimised for We chase width because it’s easy to measure “What gets measured gets managed.” - John Doerr If you can measure depth, you could change the internet’s click bait culture

The biggest problem internet companies + creators face: It’s much easier to measure width metrics than depth metrics currently.

Width metrics: • Impressions • Followers • Likes • Views Depth metrics: • DM’s • Super fans • Word of mouth • Remembering it 6 months from now All the long term wins for businesses and creators are going to those who invest in depth.

Paradoxical truths: • The best marketing never looks like marketing. • The best salesperson never looks like a salesperson.

over 3 years ago

8. Simplify • "The more you simplify, the better people will perform. People cannot understand and keep a track of a long complicated set of initiatives... Use a framework people can repeat without thinking about." - @rabois You can change the world through a sentence... pic.twitter.com/mmhNg9A3H8

george__mack tweet image

7. Linear Commerce - The Merging Of Media and Commerce • "Brands will develop publishing as a core competency, and publishers will develop retail operations as a core competency". - @web • This foresight from @web will be looked back upon like "software is eating the world" pic.twitter.com/JOdbzQSAyQ

george__mack tweet image

6. Costly Signalling Theory • "The most efficient way to send a wedding invitation would be by email." - @rorysutherland • A beautiful handwritten invitation by post contains the same message as an email - but the cost and effort signals how serious you are Contrast below: pic.twitter.com/1M6ETWuWYD

george__mack tweet image
over 3 years ago

5. Weird > Average • If you optimize for the mean, you optimize for nobody. • The average person doesn't exist - it's just a blended mean of 7 billion people. • If you design an idea for them, you design an idea for nobody.

over 3 years ago

@TaylorHoliday has a fantastic "3 M framework" for unboxing: 1. Mission - Help customers understand why you exist 2. Magic - Unexpected moment that delights the customer 3. Money - How do we turn them into a repeat purchase or referral

over 3 years ago

4. The Most Underrated Marketing Channel • "Your unboxing experience is the only marketing channel with a 100% open rate." - @TaylorHoliday • When I first read this, I felt like such a moron. • I'd spent years neglecting the most important marketing channel.

over 3 years ago

• Most of the rewards of marketing channels go to early adopters GymShark = Used influencer marketing before the term existed PayPal = Used "Earn $ for signing up" before the term existed Go fast. Entropy will occur - and only the wealthy can afford to keep playing.

Be in the desires market, not the solutions market. (a short thread on this mental model) 🚀 It's also the 4th chapter of my new book invertedpassion.com/jobs-to-be-don… pic.twitter.com/0xpWBAGvuP

paraschopra tweet image

7/N For customers, your marketing is part of value they derive from you and your product is the reason why it’s worth telling their friends

1/N I used to think you build a product and then do marketing for it, but what I have learnt is that there’s no clear boundary.

1/n MARKETING. For products past market-product fit, marketing (promotion) becomes a barrier to growth. Why do so many founders say they struggle with marketing? What if I told you there's a framework to approach marketing? Bookmark this thread because that's what it's about.

over 3 years ago

A big fraud in the modern economy is complete silence on what goes on in the supply chain for bringing a product cheaply and efficiently to the market. Most consumers will change their purchasing decisions significantly if they get to intimately know the supply chain.