22 Tweets by
Patrick OShaughnessy

Just remembered when @patrick_oshag spent a few months posting 2 things he learned each day. Really cool project. I tried it myself for a little bit and it's surprisingly hard! (Particularly if you have the added pressure of publicly sharing interesting lessons.) twitter.com/patrick_oshag/…

Here's a great example that @avantgame shared on @patrick_oshag podcast: How Games Make Life Better. The New York Public Library asked Jane for help with a specific problem: young people did not come to physical libraries anymore. podcasts.apple.com/pa/podcast/inv…

I have both learned a lot and monetized a few lessons learned on @patrick_oshag podcasts. I’ve made at least a dozen mandatory for my team. twitter.com/BrianFeroldi/s…

If we had a company in the West that grew as fast as Pinduoduo, it’s all anyone would talk about. Social, group buying is a fascinating “core action” that I’m surprised we haven’t seen more of here. @ClaireThielke & Xin Yi Lim guide you through it: joincolossus.com/episodes/45067… pic.twitter.com/0GjM7CvSTZ

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My conversation with @BrentBeshore on the state of private equity markets: - lack of skilled labor - inflation - surprisingly strong pandemic performance - stages of deal funnel - how to structure incentives - a new initiative called DealTeam Enjoy! joincolossus.com/episodes/29595… pic.twitter.com/LDM1hNoJOu

patrick_oshag tweet image

I stay away from opinions on most big issues because they are too complicated to understand...but this one seems so obviously clear to me. Make US the easiest and best choice for top talent globally. Is there a good counter argument? twitter.com/zhayitong/stat…

over 3 years ago

You see opportunities most clearly when you are making things. Great ideas usually don’t come sitting in an armchair. They come after frustrating encounters with real world obstacles. So for inspiration and great ideas, just start building.

The best questions come from people that already know a lot about the topic being discussed To get very good at questions, just learn as much as possible The challenge is, when people learn a lot, they want to show it off. Suppress that urge and keep asking questions instead

over 3 years ago

If you were compiling a set of topics you’d want every investment analyst to learn, what would be on the list?

over 3 years ago

Close to free capital Close to free cloud infrastructure Easy employment backup plans for founders (not much risk) Physical and biological worlds becoming machine readable (and programmable) APIs for everything ... The change and experimentation we are about to see is 🤯

A top constraint in business building is engineering talent. You could build a great VC by just focusing on engineering pipeline. "every company needs to be a media company" > "every company needs to be an engineering recruiting agency" Capital was constraint. Now its ENG.

What are the industries with the most fragmentation that haven’t been updated with good technology yet?

over 3 years ago

Reasons why taking calls on walks in the woods > Zoom 1. Exercise, fresh air 2. Calls end when done, not when calendar says so 3. Forward physical movement bleeds into conversations 4. No screen distractions. Boredom doesn’t set in like on zoom. You’ll be a better listener

over 3 years ago

Asset managers and wealth managers will all need digital backbones and front end interfaces over the next 5 years. Way too much is still done in excel. There are very few quality front end interfaces. There are almost no full operating systems. Huge opportunity.

over 3 years ago

An investment signal worth considering, articulated this way to me by Gabe Leydon: Terrible UX / UI + everything breaking + rapid demand growth

Twilio is one of the most interesting modern businesses. Unique leadership, culture, business model, and vision. I think everyone should know this company and how it works. Here is our breakdown of the business, with @jspujji and Ro Nagpal: joincolossus.com/episodes/50437… pic.twitter.com/uouYfp1f6p

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over 3 years ago

Every year, I respect marketing, messaging, sales, and communications more Best books: - Pitch Anything (Klaff) - Nobody Wants to Read Your Sh*t (Pressfield) - Positioning (Ries, Trout) - Influence (Cialdini) - Scientific Advertising (Hopkins) - Priceless (Poundstone)

What is the most clever customer acquisition strategy you’ve ever seen?

To mark Bernard Arnault becoming world's richest person, I highly recommend the book "Luxury Strategy." It is one of my favorite business books. Niche, detailed, often counterintuitive. amazon.com/Luxury-Strateg…

Ethereum has become the engine for many other crypto applications, from DeFi to NFTs In this breakdown with @drakefjustin we explain how it works in detail, and explore whether Ethereum will become “ultrasound money“ This is a mind bender 🦇🔊🤯 joincolossus.com/episodes/14242… pic.twitter.com/Z35Qb8jj3z

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What IP, content, or brand across the world is the most under-monetized?

over 3 years ago

Smart people make you feel dumb. Very smart people make you feel smart. H/t @BlasMoros

over 3 years ago