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Deep Learning
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The fastest way to iterate is to learn from others. - Read good books - Talk to people who have done it before - Soak up the lessons of the past Learn from the experiments history has already run and you can start the race halfway finished.

When the world doesn’t make sense, it is a signal that you need to learn.

Learning is the meat of failure. Self-doubt is the bones. Keep eating. Spit out the bones.

The optimal strategy might be executing a suboptimal plan at a fast pace. Strategy evolves as lessons are learned—and the person who moves faster, learns faster. Learning is a marathon and perfection is a weighted vest.

about 3 years ago

Almost everything in life can be learned faster. Experience teaches many lessons, but usually in a passive way. You don't need years, but rather the insights years gradually provide. One way is to simply ask the top people what they do. Make their best practices your baseline.

The teacher learns more than the student. The author learns more than the reader. The speaker learns more than the attendee. The way to learn is by doing.