3 Tweets by
Byrne Hobart

Fun fact: air freight today charges by either weight or volume, whichever is greater. If you are shipping bowling balls you will pay by weight; if pillows, by volume. The two rates are equal at the density that would fill the plane with exactly the max weight it can carry twitter.com/ByrneHobart/st…

Maybe colleges are "just a nonstop party. To be fair, under this scenario they’re a pretty good deal—on a $ per night of partying basis, they beat Bonnaroo, 1 OAK,& other venues that sell the opportunity to get intoxicated while surrounded by attractive young people”-@ByrneHobart

Brilliant: “This should put to rest the terrible metaphor that “data is the new oil.” No! Data is more like a transuranic element: very valuable, but only to perhaps a dozen highly specialized buyers, and with a short half-life.” — @ByrneHobart

over 3 years ago