4 Tweets by
Dickie Bush

Start treating your writing like a startup. • Ship an MVP • Talk to users • Analyze data • Prioritize distribution • Solve specific problems • Focus on reader experience • Say something different, not better Lean Writing is the key to writing in the digital age.

almost 3 years ago

To master the creative process, give yourself permission to create junk. This is one of the many things I learned diving into everything @jamesclear has published on creativity and building a writing habit. Here's a thread of his best articles, tweets, and podcast appearances:

The future of content is a barbell strategy: • Ultra long-form: rich, in-depth, actionable guides and long reads • Ultra-short form: tweets, memes, and TL:DRs. You'll either expand your 1,000-word blog post into something worth reading or condense it into a tweet summary.

over 3 years ago

Rolling Funds - Everything You Need to Know [THREAD] After listening to everything on the topic from the likes of: • @naval • @shl@avlok • @APompliano • @ShaanVP • @HarryStebbings • @Alex_Danco Here's what I learned about @AngelList's Rolling Funds in 10 tweets👇🏼