5 Tweets by
Jack Butcher

“Measure twice, cut once.” Avoid wasted effort. “Build once, sell twice.” Multiply your effort.

about 3 years ago

I can’t remember the last time I finished a book so quickly. What a gem!⚡️ Thanks @EricJorgenson for putting together Naval’s timeless wisdom in such a clear, practical, and digestible way.✨ @jackbutcher your illustrations are A++ pic.twitter.com/GfCg506I0H

anafabrega11 tweet image

one of my favorite frameworks. Visualized beautifully by the one and only @jackbutcher twitter.com/jackbutcher/st…

about 3 years ago

Who is the next @jackbutcher? someone great at turning complicated concepts into simple images. I have a paid project for them!

If you want to build a network, publish more. If you want to get better, publish more. If you want to find opportunity, publish more. If you want to help others, publish more. If you want to help yourself, publish more.

almost 4 years ago