10 Tweets by
Regina Anaejionu

Start by creating content. Your passions will emerge or narrow. You'll be able to grow an audience . . . then figure out REAL ways to make $

Your free stuff should be so good that customers look around w/ a bewildered/guilty expression like they just stole something. #infopreneur

When you email your list trying to sell your next big product and you talk about your $800K year . . . without specifying that you spent $433K on FB ads, $130K on salaries, and that $200K was paid to affiliates . . . I have no time. [9 of many]

about 3 years ago

And. At least once per day, I say "I can't do this. I can't do this!" in my head about whatever I'm working on. Then I breathe and do it.

about 3 years ago

Follow your freaking heart. Even if it holds more than one passion. *Kevin Hart is a comedian making fitness vids.* pic.twitter.com/GnvbZVy2eX

byReginaTV tweet image

In my opinion (and this one is truly opinion), if business hasn’t made you cry, made you jump around in joy, broken your heart, kept you up at night, changed your life, shown you the ugliness inside of you and then shown you the beauty, you have NO business teaching it.

about 3 years ago

The idea is the easiest part of the creation process. Refining & executing the idea is the hard part. The difference btwn those who create useful things and those who don't, is that the former knows you need user feedback to "perfect" something. So, they launch b4 it's perfect.

about 3 years ago

Show me your graveyard of past ideas, docs, and blogs . . . and I’ll show you your future success. Building a lucrative enterprise is not just a numbers game, it’s the combining and maturing of your interests and ideas. You don’t get there on your first try.

People out here winning while you're waiting for permission or "a sign" to get started. This is it. 👆🏽 This tweet is the sign. Write the book. Start the business. Launch your idea.

about 3 years ago

A thread on building a personal brand that you turn into a real business . . . a.k.a. grab your tea 🍵.