61 Tweets by
Sergey Nazarov

"Consumers who say they are not interested in using digital currencies most commonly point to the lack of information"accenture.com/SiteCollection…

ever wonder why sugar's "% Daily Value" is omitted on your daily food? History: youtube.com/watch?v=KNqymW… Science: youtube.com/watch?v=dBnniu…

about 3 years ago

Breakdown of US Presidential candidates position on the future of the internet; internet2016.net/voter-guide/

"Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least." ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

about 3 years ago

ChainLink: A Decentralized Oracle Network, connecting Smart Contracts to real world data, events and bank payments; link.smartcontract.com/whitepaper

Looking back on #Devcon3, I'm really impressed by the Ethereum community's eagerness to make infrastructure that solves real societal issues

“We heard the same concern over and over again: a panic over giving up control.” is how @Benioff described initial reactions to SaaS replacing on-premise, until the value of SaaS won out. It'll be the same story with Smart Contracts, as their ability to deliver value improves

1/ We're in the process of helping @bzxHQ solve this pricing data manipulation issue for the long-term by using our decentralized oracle network's price reference data; feeds.chain.link providing both a decentralized oracle mechanism and multiple quality data aggregators. twitter.com/el33th4xor/sta…

Excited to see DeFi's growth past $2Bn, and believe it shows the early stages of universally connected smart contracts redefining our industry. We are seeing growth in both the amount of teams using feeds.chain.link and the amount of data put on-chain for new #DeFi markets

One scenario for the adoption of smart contracts as the dominant form of digital agreement is driven by a loss of faith in “brand-based” contracts. These contracts may fail in extreme market conditions, to be replaced by “math/cryptography-based” contracts coindesk.com/how-defi-could… pic.twitter.com/pmQHSf7hnF

Data quality is an important consideration for smart contract developers to keep in mind, and especially relevant when building #DeFi Smart Contracts. Here are some key considerations about data quality working together with an oracle mechanism's security blog.chain.link/the-importance…

Thrilled to share my presentation from @initc3org's bootcamp: bit.ly/2F3MgT9, covering some of the key points for designing a decentralized oracle mechanism: Data quality, Origin Proofs, Data Validation, Crypto-economic Security and Data Privacy: youtube.com/watch?v=t29bBB… pic.twitter.com/74eTWsVowN

SergeyNazarov tweet image

Providing validated weather data on-chain is already enabling an entirely new category of universally connected smart contracts; parametric crop insurance. Farmers all over the world can now continue to operate regardless of unpredictable weather patterns: arbolmarket.com/businesses-and…

Generating definitive truth is a unique capability of decentralized computation; while blockchains do this well for transactions, ownership and voting, decentralized oracles provide definitive truth about real world data/events, increasing their usefulness apple.co/3liiVov pic.twitter.com/RTqjThnriq

Excited to share my presentation from #SmartCon, covering the expansive nature of what oracles can achieve for #DeFi and how smart contracts + oracles are on track to become the dominant form of digital agreement. Slides: bit.ly/34ZcrW0 and Video: youtube.com/watch?v=dC3PUv…

Smart contracts are enabling farmers all over the world to effectively manage key risk like droughts and forest fires. @Gartner_inc + @avivahl's analysis shows that reducing risk for the worlds farmers is a step forward for how #DeFi contributes to society blogs.gartner.com/avivah-litan/2… pic.twitter.com/nxoF8oLgQ3

SergeyNazarov tweet image
about 3 years ago

It seems likely DeFi will be adopted by existing financial institutions as a new financial product. Starting with access to Bitcoin needing custody solutions, evolving into the need for a blockchain abstraction layer to interact with #DeFi smart contracts. youtube.com/watch?v=7ECeIK…

Proof of Reserve allows #DeFi protocols to have proof about the collateral they rely on. Encouraging the use of that collateral. It's on track to secure $1Bn+ in BTC through @WrappedBTC and @renprotocol: forbes.com/sites/rorymurr… blog.bitgo.com/chainlink-brin… medium.com/renproject/cha… pic.twitter.com/6WKEXk3IWW

SergeyNazarov tweet image

A discussion about smart contract insurance with Sid Jha of @ArbolMarket, which is providing live weather insurance to various emerging markets using #chainlink oracles. One next generation idea is the use of insurance premiums for collateral within #DeFi. youtube.com/watch?v=lvKClP…

Just like web developers combine multiple APIs, libraries and external services to quickly build high value web applications. We're now seeing various smart contracts being composed together with oracles to create real value. Slides bit.ly/2T876EO youtu.be/xb4rjKnT0t8

Any data or API can become easily sold across blockchains: 1. Sell existing APIs to Chainlink Oracle Networks, with zero changes to your infrastructure. 2. Sell signed data directly to smart contracts on many blockchains via your own official Chainlink. blog.chain.link/easily-sell-yo…

An increasing number of on-chain price oracles are being exploited via flash loans, as a way to easily manipulate prices used in DeFi contracts. Developers, please be aware of these risks as detailed in various posts from us here: blog.chain.link/the-importance… blog.chain.link/flash-loans-an…

#DeFi protocols should avoid using a single exchange or even just a few exchanges as their price source, regardless of whether it's an off-chain exchange that seems reliable and/or an on-chain DEX. Read more here: blog.chain.link/the-importance… or watch here: youtube.com/watch?v=UAP6--… pic.twitter.com/00uZ0FkO6p

Because trading volume can rapidly shift, good market coverage enables a global market price that is immune to manipulation of one or even a few exchanges. #DeFi's adaptability to shifts in volume across exchanges via an accurate global price is important. blog.chain.link/the-importance… pic.twitter.com/C8mvqn7Kg2

Composability of smart contracts and oracles into various #DeFi protocols, that then go on to rely on each other as on-chain services, enables developers to rapidly create and improve new smart contract use cases. Full Video youtube.com/watch?v=rJIH8u… Slides chn.lk/3okxYii pic.twitter.com/g9XBIRrDsT

While #DeFi is just getting started, with only ~2.4% (16Bn) of cryptoassets ($660Bn) secured by DeFi Protocols. Providing assets from industries like insurance ($6.3Tn) and trade invoices ($19.5Tn) as collateral for DeFi, is also a very large opportunity: insureblocks.com/ep-139-smart-c… pic.twitter.com/4Y0k9uYgTN

Implicit staking and explicit staking are both powerful cryptoeconomic forces. While Implicit staking creates guarantees about adherence to a protocol generally, explicit staking creates specific guarantees about fulfilling individual contract requests. youtube.com/watch?v=ufVyX7… pic.twitter.com/0OrDZr6m3d