4 Tweets about
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Showerthought: alcohol serves a profoundly important function not just in lowering inhibition directly but as a kind of "disarmament" signal - two parties choosing to set down not just their physical but mental sharpness. Like you're both accepting to go in vino veritas,… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

Saved to Alcohol
about 1 year ago

New huge meta-analysis of alcohol and all-cause mortality If you're holding a glass of wine tonight and thinking "this is medicine! it's basically carrot juice" you're deluding yourself. While moderate drinking isn't great for you, it's not obviously bad. jamanetwork.com/journals/jaman…

Saved to Alcohol
almost 2 years ago

The more i learn about alcohol the more i want to quit Alcohol poisons your brain, and that is why you feel drunk. It shrinks neurons, destroys your gut barrier, and leads to loads of inflammation. It depletes NAD levels, critical for longevity and ruins your sleep. A thread: pic.twitter.com/M3IlpzR32C

AlpacaAurelius tweet image
over 2 years ago