my new spot for landing page inspiration →

The easiest way to make $10k/mo on TikTok shop is to steal content Literally just find winning viral content on kalodata, download the script, convert it to Spanish using DeepL translate, then make an audio talking clip using elevenlabs voice synthesis. If not now, when?

🚨 consumer app on the rise alert 🚨 Breezi got 6k waitlist signups from 550k views. their secret formula ⬇️ iterating on 3 different video formats: founder-led, product-focused + a trending audio, and green-screening on top of the app + talking here's what's doing the……
Learn programming by playing games: Blockchain → SQL → JavaScript → Go → Python → CSS → Java → Git →
This guy bought land for $450/acre and built a “cinematic off-grid sanctuary” renting unique stays. Now Disney’s paying him big bucks to film there. Here’s what’s going on👇

People don’t even realise how a small amount of sugar, a bit of saturated fat, a little calcium and salt (think fatty milk with honey or some ice cream with a pinch of salt), and some aspirin can literally delete your insomnia by reducing nocturnal stress. It can be that simple.
Can we agree that semantic naming is more helpful than hierarchy naming with buttons, and other elements...?

Unbundle daycare and education. Daycare to make kids happy and socialized. Education to make them smart. Bundling them gets us the worst of both worlds.
sally rooney talking abt how her husband made her a better writer bc of the way he loves her ….. i did not need to read this at eight thirty four in the morning like i didnt even get a chance to try and be happy today i guess

Heartbroken after seeing a young patient with no medical history, end up with a BIFFL GRADE II dissection of the vertebral artery and subsequent acute PICA infarct immediately after a neck adjustment from the chiropractor. This has to stop. Chiropractors - you HAVE to stop.
Yeah, I have also come to take "our messing up" a little less personally over time. I come to the conclusion that no matter how hard you try your kids are going to be (at least a little) messed up. And it has very little to do with you being "an imperfect parent", its just the………
This wonderful write-up from @bramus is a great summary of the state-of-the-art when it comes to animating `height: auto` (and other keywords) in CSS. I had never heard of `interpolate-size`! Very cool 💯…
Big news brewing in Austin. After stepping down as Jasper CEO, I've been patiently waiting for another project to sink my teeth into. Something more local. Something different than software. Something aligned with my passions. I’ve always been passionate about building……

Why is nobody talking about how just 125 - 300mg of magnesium per meal reversed depression in just 7 DAYS? Magnesium deficiency causes neuronal damage that can manifest as depression and over 50% of people are deficient. Magnesium is incredibly cheap and has little to no side……

Discovered a super easy way to build circular progress bars with SVG that scale to any size! 😀 The pathLength attribute lets you normalize the length of a circle to 100. Then stroke-dasharray and stroke-dashoffset can be defined using percentages to create the progress bar.

SQL is not that hard. You haven’t just seen this.

Anyone else have trouble matching their clothes? This chart was a game changer Not sure who I stole it from but my wife and kids thank you

Meet the new Arrows—sales rooms + onboarding plans + client portals 💘 All in a single platform. Each purpose-built + built natively for HubSpot. But... why?? 🤝 We've always said customer onboarding should be an extension of the sales process. The best companies build tons of……
🔗 Alternatives to Using Pure Black (#000000) for Text and Backgrounds… #a11y #design

And you could do the whole thing without JavaScript 🤙 • Use the HTML [popover] API (nested) • CSS starting-style to transition open/close ⭐️ • Anchor positioning ⚓️ <button popovertarget="menu"></button> <div popover="auto" id="menu"></div>…
Switching word combos on scroll with CSS 🖱️ main { animation: switch both steps(3); animation-timeline: view(); } @keyframes switch { to { --i: 3; }} .words__track { translate: 0 calc(var(--i) * -100%); } Result of a DM request 👇
Need to conditionally inherit from something but not sure if its defined? Or need to have a soft dependency with rails / ActiveSupport? This is a nifty way I found that does the trick ✨

If I had made a list of the top five qualities I desired in a spouse at 18, it would be very different from the list I would create today. Fortunately, by the time I first met my wife in college, I was starting to realize that character was a vital element in a strong……
Quick CSS tip: if you want to select the nth element with a certain class, `:nth-child` supports an `of` syntax. 👏

Perfect place.

Curious how top SaaS companies master onboarding? Surprisingly, I couldn’t find a single benchmarking report. So I spent 20 hours analyzing the top 100 SaaS' onboarding flows to summarize the core onboarding elements. (bookmark for later)

why do all the alt-right pronatalist influencers talk about increased genetic mutations from older women conceiving children but they don't talk about the fact that sperm contribute far more of the mutations and have a much steeper aging curve relative to eggs?