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Until the late 1990s, a "startup" was something that could eventually pay off w/future operating profits. Since then, a startup has been a package that pays you back when you sell to other investors who, in turn, hope to sell to other investors by a mechanism known as "funding". twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

over 2 years ago

My cofounder @homsiT and I are increasingly being asked for advice on how to build a *sustainable* consumer saas business. Let me share some thoughts on the single most important concept we wish we knew before starting @readwise. It's called 📈 CARRYING CAPACITY 📈

  • Incredibly detailed thread about the economics of growing b2b saas - really insightful
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.@mariodgabriele wrote a great overview of micro PE recently soon, I think an internet-native version of PE will become more popular than being a VC-backed founder bc - founders get majority control - diversification - predictable cash flow - liquidity here's how it could work

💡 Idea-stage Twitter bootstrapper toolkit: 1️⃣ A simple personal brand 2️⃣ A 3-words-or-less hook (re: your biz) 3️⃣ #1 relentlessly discusses #2 Bonus: An emoji marketing asset Goal: Be super easy-to-recall, so you can harvest organic reach. Some examples 👇

about 4 years ago