7 Tweets about
Everything Ends Up In The Browser
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The browser is the new operating system In 2011, WebGL first let developers render computations directly to the device’s GPU via the browser. OpenGL’s Shading Language (GLSL) isn’t easy to work with, but better abstractions were developed over time (like Three.js). But WebGL… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

over 1 year ago

@joshm @disco_lu @browsercompany Now, Figma is riddled with limitations because of it (4k texture limit, 4GB memory limit, can't exploit multiple CPU cores effectively, missing or severely limited OS APIs like clipboard, etc etc.) Wouldn't be surprised to see a native Figma app in a few years.

  • This is a very interesting observation, which flies in the face of a lot of conventional opinions
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over 2 years ago

@joshm @disco_lu @browsercompany Web definitely is *the* platform these days. Even apps that used to be OS-native are moving to or have moved to web views (e.g. Spotify, 1password, etc.) No doubt. But from my experience the reasons are economic, not driven by user experience. Quality is traded away.

"Figma for video editing" is a hot space now! I came across 10+ 🤯 recently so I made a 🧵 pic.twitter.com/xRoaOdvPG1

JanPaul123 tweet image
over 2 years ago

Yep, you heard that right. @Photoshop is coming the to Web, so that you can access projects anywhere. 🙌 In public beta now. #AdobeMAX pic.twitter.com/d1idupdTzo

about 3 years ago

Microsoft puts PCs in the cloud with Windows 365 theverge.com/2021/7/14/2257… // Great to see this--its been a long time in coming and for the right customers this is exactly what they want. Some have been a bit confused or even worried about it. Don't be :-) 1/

over 3 years ago

We have a patent on our recording infrastructure. It unlocked the potential of video messaging at work. We're now patent pending on our edit infrastructure. It will unlock the same potential for video messages as a day to day communication tool. 🔥😁👋🔥 twitter.com/vhmth/status/1…

almost 4 years ago