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Almost every IPhone app start up failed during the explosion of apps during the launch of the iPhone App Store … that didn’t mean iPhone apps weren’t a huge new important consumer trend. Same will Happen with nfts … most will fail .. some will become “Uber and Instagram”

This past February, @AppleMusic spotlighted myself and others for Black History Month and I created an exclusive playlist which is somewhat a narration of my personal life. Hope you enjoy and it gives you some inspiration: apple.co/3kFkcWt pic.twitter.com/WQKCuIoMR6

Everette tweet image

Go team! @Artsy iOS app is now the most used and highest rated app in the art world. twitter.com/msteib/status/…

For all my supposed technical chops, I’m not afraid to admit I was today years old when I realized I don’t have to point the Apple remote at the Apple TV device 🤦🏻‍♂️

I just want to say thank you the person who invented FaceTime. You have brought so much joy to the world. You deserve the Nobel Peace Prize. Whoever has the power please nominate Roberto Garcia @eviltoro for a Nobel. cnet.com/news/apple-eng…

about 3 years ago

10 years ago, Netflix spent $0 on original content. This year: Netflix: $11B Apple: $6B Disney: $1B + amazon, hulu HBO etc. = $20B+ Here's a crazy startup idea to take a swing at this $20B+ content piñata. 👇 Here's a quick business plan 🤔

This week @shaanvp made predictions on what will be the next: - Apple - Facebook - 7/11 - Google He's good at predictions, so listen up. And click the full video for the full ep (he makes more predictions). I think he's 100% right on Apple. Thoughts? pic.twitter.com/CsaeyYCcaO

If The Hustle still had ads then this new Apple update would not have been good for us. That said: I LOVE it. I don’t want to be tracked.

about 3 years ago

Soon you’ll log in to web sites using Face ID on Safari, with your Apple ID, and check out with Apple Pay. Via “embrace and extend”, Apple and Google will become gatekeepers for much of the formerly open web.

over 3 years ago

Great discussion @SquawkAlley about Apple monopoly abuses, why the states that are coming after North Dakota might not be as easily intimidated (hint hint @JeffWeninger 😄), and why its good to have friends when you're going up against THE MOST VALUABLE COMPANY IN THE WORLD! twitter.com/CNBCTechCheck/…

This is what a lot of people don't seem to understand. Apple allows a ton of HUGE COMPANIES to simply pay Apple only the $99/year developer fee (which bring in hundreds of millions of dollars per year!), but then extort the 15% of app devs that dare sell digital goods/services. twitter.com/TimSweeneyEpic…

"Apple: Developers had to pay 70% before the App Store was invented", this is just terrible, horrible misinformation. Ugh. Sad to hear Apple advance this.

77% of @heyhey customers use our iOS app. If Apple had been successful with their threat to kick us out of the App Store last summer, we would have been dead. Also, love the "scrutiny is reasonable BUT THERE'S NOTHING TO SEE" doublespeak. twitter.com/munster_gene/s…

"We really need to be cautious about calling Apple and Google monopolies. We don't need to meddle in any private contracts" is what the Arizona democrats are pushing in their caucus video chat. Did anyone of them even @davidcicilline and his committee's report??

This is the trouble with Apple's stance that they do this super-duper diligent job managing the App Store. Ensuring that scammers and worse are kept out. Then they have to own 100% when they approve vile trash like this too. twitter.com/keleftheriou/s…

Apple's muscle in debt collections: "Dustin Curtis got locked out of updating apps on his Mac, locked out of playing music, locked out of accessing his calendar, and the rest of his iCloud, because he was late on a single payment on his Apple Card" 🤯 world.hey.com/dhh/apple-can-…

You know that Apple's monopoly power is out of control when people immediately think "they'll just cut off any state that dares to cross them". So happy @recobbforazrep addressed threats like this head on: She will not be intimidated, and neither will Arizona ❤️ pic.twitter.com/a9Ft5w7pe1

dhh tweet image

Stocks swing up and down and all around, but it has been a gloomy month for Apple’s antitrust luck. Could investors be concerned? pic.twitter.com/LFTGLCqdbJ

dhh tweet image

The bad news keep rolling in for Apple and the rest of Big Tech. States across the US are pursuing laws to regulate their abuses. Europe has finally kicked into high gear on this as well. Now the White House is appointing confrontational figures too. nytimes.com/2021/03/05/tec…

Was seriously dismayed to learn that Apple itself engages in targeted advertisement, and no doubt advantages itself in these matters over the likes of Facebook. Apple doesn't need to be a targeted advertisement channel. Really undercuts its privacy credentials. twitter.com/LauKaya/status…

Stop what you’re doing and upgrade your phone, tablet, and computer if you’re in Apple-land. Catastrophic Safari bug that could lead to remote code execution on simply visiting a bad website. #MonoculturesAreBad #WhyCantWeHaveFirefoxOnIos threatpost.com/apple-webkit-r…

Rarely has a class-action suit sprung from as much merit as this. Apple knowingly sold laptops with broken keyboards for years while gaslighting the affected. Billions must have been wasted on premature upgrades. Mountains of e-waste created too. twitter.com/reckless/statu…

Another day, another capricious, non-sensical rejection from the App Store. Despite clearly being a client for an existing service, Apple is demanding that the developer implements Sign-In with Apple, even if they don't control the service. Just 🤯 world.hey.com/khoahong/just-…

Kosta keeps finding these disgraceful scams in Apple's App Store. They're all running on Apple's billing platform. So clearly simply taking a cut of the business is not enough for Apple to ensure things are safe. Almost like it's just a talking point not an action point! twitter.com/keleftheriou/s…

"A senior Apple engineer compared the defences of its App Store against malicious actors to “bringing a plastic butter knife to a gunfight”.. The revelation could be a significant blow to Apple’s defence [that a 30% tax] is necessary to protect consumers"ft.com/content/914ce7…

This thread explains so much. Why the App Store is full of scams, why rulings are so arbitrary, why its impossible to get clear answers. Apple hires essentially unskilled people to do the reviews, yet claims they're necessary to protect people. You can't have it both ways! twitter.com/PatrickMcGee_/…

“As Cue's comments show, Apple was capable of developing an Android version of iMessage as early as 2013, but chose not to, since it would remove one obstacle that prevents families from giving their children Android phones.” 😦 macrumors.com/2021/04/09/epi…

"As part of Epic's lawsuit against Apple, we've come to learn that app reviewers typically review 50-100 apps per day. We've also learned that these reviewers are hired without any technical background. There's a term for such practice: security theater." world.hey.com/dhh/the-app-st…

Apple is setting folks up to be ripped off by pretending all the millions of apps in the App Store have been carefully vetted. You lower your guard when you think Apple's got your back, but they don't. Multi-million dollar scams go on for years, like this one. twitter.com/keleftheriou/s…