102 Tweets by
Shervin Pishevar

Starlink-powered internet everywhere, Hyperloop transport, VTOL, crypto, quantified health and autonomous mobility will democratize where and how we live, work, move, learn and govern. twitter.com/tobi/status/13…

about 3 years ago

The numbers don’t lie. We are seeing the physical movement of talent to miami every single day. twitter.com/anthemos/statu…

about 3 years ago

1/ Some thoughts on financial storms I seeing brewing ahead. I expect 6000 point drop in aggregate in months ahead. Here's why.

Quantum Computing will create a new kind of currency not even imagined yet today.

Qloud Computing is my term for Quantum Computing powered cloud computing that will revolutionize our world forever.

about 3 years ago

If someone built a political CRM by mapping @FrancisSuarez brain and how he uses Twitter to better engage with citizenry we would help elevate the quality of leadership and civic engagement across many political arenas. cc @jack

@naval Crypto evolution is fastest rise of a new financial system in history. Days are years, years decades.

about 3 years ago

After SpaceX goes public + humans land on Mars, Elon will become the 1st trillionaire. Don’ t @ me if that irks you. Elon will do so much for humanity and make us a multi-planetary species. Go complain about those making billions polluting our planet or destroying democracy (FB).

Yes scale makes all targets easier to attack but that point pales in comparison to media’s right to hold Facebook accountable for its failure to evolve its practices to keep up w/its sovereign-like power. Sovereigns are accountable to citizens. Sovereign-like enterprises less so. twitter.com/shervin/status…

Regulation will try to centralize the decentralization of financial systems so @Staraspace launched 1st special microsatellites creating an AWS in space- a mesh network w/microservers in orbit that operate under Space Law. Blockchain, messaging no terrestrial sovereign can block. pic.twitter.com/kjHFI3Y5RC

shervin tweet image
about 3 years ago

There over 150,000 tech employees already here and 9,000 tech companies in the Miami area. And as we take in the influx of talent this diverse ecosystem will continue to be enriched and grow. twitter.com/marceloclaure/…

about 3 years ago

Metzger’s Law: There are no impossible problems. @DrPhiltill twitter.com/DrPhiltill/sta…

about 3 years ago

What would a Clubhouse App Store strategy look like?

about 3 years ago

Startup equity should have been democratized a long time ago. All the walls to access need to come down. twitter.com/rsg/status/135…

about 3 years ago

This weekend, I spoke to 5 future billionaires who had no idea they would one day be billionaires, this what I learned....

Fear is Finite. Hope is Infinite...as a mathematical equation and proof. (Thanks to my friend Alex Mehr for the help) pic.twitter.com/z68pybXG9V

shervin tweet image
about 3 years ago

That’s a 17th century rule that need to be amended for people like @chamath. Silly to limit our talent pool when our nation needs great leadership. One idea I’ve had: add 36 years to the age you come to America. twitter.com/tanayj/status/…

We must never forget siblings Rosa, Paulette, Samek, Daniel Lisprawski and the memories of 6m+ Jewish victims of the Holocaust and millions more. #HolocaustRemembranceDay twitter.com/AuschwitzMuseu…

about 3 years ago

Greed destroys in short bursts. Patience creates value in long arcs.

about 3 years ago

Many great and iconic brands began as a pre-Internet cultural meme. Memes are the Larva (caterpillar), Products are the pupa (chrysalis or cocoon) and Global Brands are the the adult butterfly. Or in Pokémon speak: pic.twitter.com/dxmXh3Zw6X

shervin tweet image

1) To understand exponential math of pandemics take a look at this chart from the legend of the girl tricking the King to agree to doubling a single grain of sand. If the research below cited by @pmarca is correct then the coronavirus doubles every 2.4 days... pic.twitter.com/5o3J6ntnW3 twitter.com/pmarca/status/…

shervin tweet image
about 3 years ago

We’re about to find out 99% of all meetings could have been zooms and slacks.

Inverting our design is a revolution in Hyperloop technologies! So many possibilities! twitter.com/virginhyperloo…

about 3 years ago

Elon vs Bezos will be the defining genius duels of the first half of the 21st Century. And our planet and all its living beings, our 2nd planet, Mars, and all our future satellite homes across the galaxies in the future, will be the beneficiaries.

Gonna call it: Clubhouse will be a $100B+ company.

about 3 years ago

You know you’re old when autocorrect doesn’t recognize the word Geocities.

about 3 years ago

For all my supposed technical chops, I’m not afraid to admit I was today years old when I realized I don’t have to point the Apple remote at the Apple TV device 🤦🏻‍♂️

I just want to say thank you the person who invented FaceTime. You have brought so much joy to the world. You deserve the Nobel Peace Prize. Whoever has the power please nominate Roberto Garcia @eviltoro for a Nobel. cnet.com/news/apple-eng…

about 3 years ago