30 Tweets about
Human Behavior
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Imagine Twitter but instead of tweets it was screenshots of text message exchanges. I wouldn't be surprised if that got big — people are so hungry for intimacy that they'll inhale even second-hand banter if it's good enough, and text exchanges share a lot about a person.

one of the weirdest things about LA is the amount of time/effort some people put in to live someone else's life. optimizing their time to live/experience someone else's lavish lifestyle instead of working on their own come up.

We live in a weird society, people even try to go viral off of someone’s death.

Be mindful of people in business who say “my” and “I” instead of “we” and “our”

Tectonic shifts in human behavior towards what I call the Nomadic Stateless Era. As we evolve we return to nomadic ways of our ancient ancestors. Humans have an instinctual urge to roam. We will forage for meaning & purpose now. Soon amongst the stars. twitter.com/scottbelsky/st…

about 3 years ago

"Most people" do what "Most people" do. This is a huge mistake. In the US: * 50% of marriages end in divorce or separation * 60%+ of the pop. is obese or overweight * 70% of people have less than $1k in savings What "most people" are doing isn't working

about 3 years ago

people make decisions based on emotion then wrap random logic around it to justify it. emotions commit the crime, logic does the coverup

The people you most want to impress can read your intentions.

over 3 years ago

People are oddly consistent. Karma is just you repeating your patterns, virtues and flaws, until you finally get what you deserve

Habits prevent people from switching from the familiar to the new. (a thread on this mental model) 🎉 It's the 12th chapter of my book: invertedpassion.com/habits-and-int… pic.twitter.com/asv6buQPSH

paraschopra tweet image

Evidence of desire is in people’s behavior (and not in what they say) (a short thread on this mental model) 🎉 It's also the 3rd chapter of my new book invertedpassion.com/evidence-of-de… pic.twitter.com/zkN957RNDo

paraschopra tweet image

2/n First reason: consumers want to conform to what others around them are doing and purchasing, but businesses want to differentiate. New products will make companies faster, cheaper or better than the competition so chances of getting adoption is much higher for B2B than B2C

1/N Been thinking about why do we crave status, wealth, rank, titles. Here’s what I think.

2/n People are motivated towards achieving their goals and technology is simply the means towards that end.

1/n It’s a misconception that people like using technology. In reality, nobody really likes using technology. Here’s why..

over 3 years ago

The Sopranos is about American decline, evident in the outcomes of the young male characters Jackie Aprile involved in organized crime, botches a robbery, ends up dead Chris Moltisanti hooked on drugs, drives while intoxicated & murdered AJ suffers depression & panic attacks

Erving Goffman, author of "The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life," writes that activities that take a long time to learn and don't earn money are often used as a class symbols. Cultivation of "good taste," expensive sports, hobbies, foreign languages, interest in art, etc. pic.twitter.com/nob1S7M5X6

robkhenderson tweet image

Apologies are admissions of guilt. Against Tony's advice, Ralph apologizes for unkind remark he made about Johnny Sack's wife. Ends badly. Johnny "Oh so you're apologizing?" Ralph "If that's what it takes." Johnny "Well why would you apologize, I thought you didn't say it?" pic.twitter.com/GR64J5HHFE

Some studies found that 66% of foster children aged 13 to 17 are on at least one psychiatric medication. Suggests that the best predictor of having a mental health condition — better than family history, better than genetics — is being a foster child.

84% of rich Americans report that they pay attention to politics "most of the time" Asked how many days a week they talk politics; median response was 5 days "Wealthy Americans tend to be highly active in politics, far more so than the typical citizen" faculty.wcas.northwestern.edu/~jnd260/cab/CA… pic.twitter.com/KFdcoickRn

robkhenderson tweet image

Tony tells Carm he's depressed. She responds that when they met in high school he was "the happy-go-lucky rascal, the comedian. But all of that was bulls**t." Often funny people who are secretly depressed drop the class clown act around someone when they feel comfortable w/ them pic.twitter.com/2XuZbSbkMZ

-Listeners heard speakers use either filler words (eg "um"), no filler (smooth speech), or brief pauses -Smooth speech rated most eloquent; filler words & brief pauses rated equally eloquent -Listeners rated filler words as more relaxed than brief pauses link.springer.com/article/10.100… pic.twitter.com/VEf8paloWA

robkhenderson tweet image

The Wire portrays sympathetic characters in various circumstances trapped in systems beyond their control. The Shield portrays self-serving characters making ugly decisions to contain violence and further their own interests The Wire is for Rousseau; The Shield is for Hobbes

Reading Kahneman's newly released book "Noise: A Flaw in Human Judgment" at the exact time universities are eliminating standardized testing requirements reminds me of this distinction @robinhanson made between experts and elites twitter.com/robkhenderson/…

"The Age Thirty Transition is frequently a time of crisis. At the end of the twenties...many relationships, goals, and values come into question...The twenties and thirties are perhaps the most stressful decades in the life cycle" amzn.to/3s4QcFS pic.twitter.com/TqW7ipnxeZ

robkhenderson tweet image

Are luxury beliefs cheap signals? No. They're expensive. Takes years to cultivate an understanding of them and express them without error. I've spent 5 years with the luxury belief class and still make mistakes and social faux paus. Helps to be born into it, to be around it early

-Victims of wrongdoing have a long time span (“Never forget”) -Perpetrators have a short time span (“let bygones be bygones”) “For perpetrators, it soon becomes ancient history, whereas the victims may see it as crucial for understanding the present" amzn.to/3wm5JUj pic.twitter.com/nIXQkdoRVH

robkhenderson tweet image

People more likely to support actions if phrased nicely 'Political activist' vs. 'political extremist' (d=.43). 'Enhanced interrogation' vs. 'torture' (d=.49) "a strategic speaker can, through the careful use of language, sway the opinions of others in a preferred direction" pic.twitter.com/FtyjZvpkSJ

robkhenderson tweet image