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Human Psyche
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People have difficulty acknowledging that individuals are not equal in abilities but equal in moral worth. Reconciling that fact is the core challenge of a democratic capitalistic society—so that you expand the overall pie to its fullest but also make sure everyone has enough.

about 3 years ago

One reason people want to censor comedy is b/c comedy is subversive to power. You can't "punch down" in comedy, so if something's comedically acceptable it must mean you're "punching up". For the powerful who derive power/legitimacy from seeming powerless, comedy is a threat.

about 3 years ago

People may be more likely to adopt a narrative of why they’re doing something if they: - truly believe it themselves - think others will find it plausible, and more importantly, approve - believe they conceived the narrative themselves or were deliberate in how they chose it

about 3 years ago

I'm curious if there’s something more durably & intensely motivating than the desire to prove people wrong

The challenge w/ being so convinced you’re on the right side of history is that you start to believe the ends justify the means, who/whom matters more than principle, the rules don’t apply to you,& that consistent criteria is a distraction from what’s *right*—which your gut knows

What's interesting is that, as people rise up, expectations rise,& they have more&more people to prove wrong Which is why sometimes the most successful people still have the most to prove They’re playing whack-a-mole w/ their doubters, the supply of which is increasing steadily twitter.com/eriktorenberg/…

It's a mistake to think that compelling arguments will reliably change people's minds Sometimes, it just causes people to further cement even clearly wrong views Another option is modeling the right ideas & approaches and creating space for others to follow along as they'd like twitter.com/eriktorenberg/…

People early in their career often aim to get a few brand names on their resume, but you only need one to prove a level of aptitude/rigor It's also helpful to prove you can commit to one thing for a long period of time. If it’s not a job, ensure it’s a project, a hobby—something

people make decisions based on emotion then wrap random logic around it to justify it. emotions commit the crime, logic does the coverup

Individuals rarely admit mistakes. Groups never do.

Everybody wants to change others. Nobody wants to be changed.

People are oddly consistent. Karma is just you repeating your patterns, virtues and flaws, until you finally get what you deserve

Meatless Mondays ask you to give up foods you like. No wonder that's unpopular! Humans are of the species homo loss aversionus. No, what we need is more FALAFEL FRIDAYS! Celebrations, not flagrations.

• Over hyped: Social media addiction • Under hyped: Music addiction There’s a whole blind spot in psychology for studying the always on AirPod generation.

over 3 years ago

It's a weird thought that your brain can lie to itself. It's a weirder thought that your brain knows it can lie to itself.

over 3 years ago