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We take food security for granted, but it's a major 20th-century achievement. In addition to the threats of drought and frost, crops were also subject to the ravages of disease and pests: pic.twitter.com/G0PQCSwLSy

jasoncrawford tweet image

This is a point also made by @rachellaudan: dishes we think of as “traditional cuisine” are *not* what the average person ate for most of history pic.twitter.com/nvHypKnNqr

jasoncrawford tweet image

Me: This food is supposed to last the next 2 weeks of the quarantine. My stomach: If you give your best effort, you could probably finish all of this in 24 hours. Me: Challenge accepted.

about 3 years ago

Call for Start-Up: AI-Assisted Nutritionist that takes over all your Uber-Eats, Postmates, DoorDash etc orders. For restaurant dining, you scan the QR code and it reformulates the menu on the spot to show only healthy choices/sensitivities/allergies etc...

There are 2 types of people in the world: those who like raisins in potato salad and the 7,799,999,999 others who don’t.

about 3 years ago

So @APompliano + I A-B tested Chinese restaurants to rate them (3 Chefs 6.5/10+Chef Chen (3.5/10) whilst coming up w/blockchain architecture for @newcitiesco + a few more things up our sleeves. Yes, need way better Chinese food in Miami. Any great SF chefs want to move to Miami? pic.twitter.com/j6CBNttcRZ

shervin tweet image
about 3 years ago

Meatless Mondays ask you to give up foods you like. No wonder that's unpopular! Humans are of the species homo loss aversionus. No, what we need is more FALAFEL FRIDAYS! Celebrations, not flagrations.