26 Tweets about
Social Issues
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Communities of color have been hit hard by COVID-19. One of the reasons why parts of the medical system often fail Black and brown people is because it’s not designed with them in mind. Dr. Stephaun Wallace wants to change that. youtube.com/watch?v=knBQcY…

The left mocks the right for being "dumb". The right mocks the left for being "dumb". Maybe let's try empathy and not mockery.

about 3 years ago

Social media & the press are currently incentivized to drastically exaggerate narratives of division. This in turn creates more division & the downward spiral continues. I hope to build tech that changes these incentives. I believe there is much more love than hate in the world.

about 3 years ago

‘Do Not Abandon the Afghans’ A former Army Ranger asks President Biden to airlift America’s allies out of harm’s way (The Atlantic): theatlantic.com/letters/archiv… cc: @POTUS @JoeBiden @WhiteHouse @PressSec @WHCOS

happy 4/20 to those who celebrate but just a reminder to remember all of the people who are currrently incarcerated and those still being imprisoned over marijuana charges and the prison system that’s profiting off it all.

Join me this Thursday (October 24th) at iv gallery in Los Angeles where I’ll be discussing how art can be a vehicle for change and be used as a tool to raise awareness of societal issues. Please RSVP at info@ivgallery.art pic.twitter.com/oufcKbXxzE

Everette tweet image

"In a year that's been so difficult for the black community, it's essential for brands such as @artsy to be making real change. This is a first step, providing a platform for these galleries & artists to gain exposure and see tangible results." @Everette forbes.com/sites/jennifer…

Extremely proud of my team @Artsy for organizing this benefit auction to support @eji_org and the many other initiatives that we have planned for this month AND the rest of the year to combat racial injustice and inequality. Can’t stop, won’t stop. barrons.com/articles/artsy…

Thousands of people are still incarcerated on marijuana charges pic.twitter.com/gt8MEBdBAw

Everette tweet image
about 3 years ago

Excited to announce that Julie Mehretu has donated a monumental work to be auctioned exclusively on @Artsy where the funds will be donated @Art4JusticeFund to end mass incarceration. 100% of the proceeds will be donated (estimated at $3-$4 million): artsy.net/artwork/julie-… pic.twitter.com/7dCN039v3P

Everette tweet image

Proud that @Artsy is hosting the “Artists Against Anti-Asian Violence” benefit auction. Not only will the auction raise money for two important non-profits but also grow awareness for such an important cause to support the AAPI community. juxtapoz.com/news/painting/…

"Love your neighbor as yourself” Matt 22:39. During this time of great global hardship, even more acutely within the black community, we’re all deeply reminded how much we must be neighbors. Today my prayer is for equality - there is no time or place for racial injustice.

This is crucial to recognize and understand. More often than not, solutions to our biggest struggles are not simple. There are no "quick fixes" to the problems we face today including COVID-19 or systemic racism. bit.ly/3i7PX9c

We must value one another and harness the power of human difference. To our Asian American community, we see you, we stand with you. #StopAsianHate #IAmIntel twitter.com/WeAreIntel/sta…

Intel is a proud supporter of #LGBT+ rights and we are thrilled the House voted to pass the #EqualityAct. Thanks to Rep. @DavidCicilline and @SenJeffMerkley for championing this legislation to ensure equal protections for all. More from Intel’s @TechTalli. blogs.intel.com/policy/2021/02…

We can’t fix the long history of racism in America overnight, but we must do what we can to address it and make the world a better place. twitter.com/dawnsouthwest/…

24-year old Chinese graduate student is moved between jail, psychiatric ward, and an isolation cell in a notorious detention facility after self-reporting a visa overstay during her studies due to Covid. Grotesque story of willfully cruel treatment. thelocal.dk/20210216/denma…

“In disciplining governments, companies are simply doing what they always have done: shaping the political landscape to suit their interests and preferences, which can and do shift without notice.” nytimes.com/2021/04/28/opi…

What can a technologist do about climate change? This was a major motivating reason for me to start building tools for collective intelligence augmentation, like Engelbart I choose to focus on meta problem that I see as having largest impact, but ymmv worrydream.com/ClimateChange/

There is nothing more dangerous than a little knowledge... so you should consider it your civic duty to only be informed about the things you actually care very deeply about or which spark your curiosity... and to ignore pretty much everything else twitter.com/SloaneSays/sta…

“wait, what’s that you say? The Mexican pipeline was nationalized by the Mexican government decades ago, aka it was socialized, aka this is technically and objectively speaking a failure of socialist policy?” - @micsolana absolutely ☠️’en em! piratewires.com/p/global-warmi… twitter.com/NYCMayor/statu…

The Not Knowing of This Moment of Confronting Racism zenhabits.net/racism/

over 3 years ago

1/ Just saw the Netflix documentary on Flat Earth movement. It was such a pleasant, empathetic view on why some people end up believing in conspiracies. I’m so happy that it wasn’t mocking. But it got me thinking how to engage with anti-vaxxers, climate change deniers, etc.

over 3 years ago

In the future the main source of conflict will be between generations The accelerating pace of change, especially in the digital world, makes the chasm between generations wider Their beliefs, influences, values, & priorities will diverge until they are like foreign cultures

over 3 years ago

American Psycho is the female version of American Psycho in that Patrick Bateman is the female (or gay) psyche “estranged” or “defamiliarized” by making it that of a straight male for maximum effect. Tony Soprano is this too but for class not gender. pic.twitter.com/lwSpbC5Sm5 twitter.com/jardinsecret88…

annakhachiyan tweet image