153 Tweets by
Pat Gelsinger

Education will be forever changed by our current reality, including new and interesting activations for emerging technologies like #AugmentedReality. Love this innovative thinking! twitter.com/ForbesTech/sta…

Vision alone won't get us through this crisis. No leader had the current pandemic in their "2020 vision." The best leaders are able to look past vision alone, and practice crucial skills like workplace empathy. bit.ly/2y62LLn

about 3 years ago

As leaders, the most important question you must be able to answer effectively is "why." bit.ly/2LGfkQI

about 3 years ago

As my good friend and #VMware COO @spoonen says: you have two ears and one mouth. Listen twice as much as you speak. Ask great questions. Understand the worldviews of others. bit.ly/2ZkhGgg

Interesting perspective on the future of work: not only will #RemoteWork take a more prominent role, but the skills required will shift as well, further favoring those who are able to generate results. bit.ly/2LGM5gL

As our society moves into a "new normal," we have an opportunity to reduce our #CarbonFootprint for the long term. bit.ly/2TsPfc1

about 3 years ago

Technology will play an important role in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. I'm proud that VMware is working with the NHS on its contact tracing effort. More info on the initiative: bit.ly/2Tw85PE

If you can't lead in times of crisis then you aren't a leader! Excited to be partnering with City Gospel Movements (@CGM_Palau) to share how we can #LeadInCrisis. Here are my "5 Ls of Leadership." pic.twitter.com/RPft6uuFUS

about 3 years ago

Very interesting approach. Today more than ever, it's crucial for us to develop and refine skills like #WorkplaceResilience. bit.ly/2XbuCn0

"Love your neighbor as yourself” Matt 22:39. During this time of great global hardship, even more acutely within the black community, we’re all deeply reminded how much we must be neighbors. Today my prayer is for equality - there is no time or place for racial injustice.

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7

about 3 years ago

Reading Martin Luther King Jr.'s "Letter from a Birmingham Jail" again this week was moving to my soul, hope you all take a chance to do so as well: africa.upenn.edu/Articles_Gen/L…

For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you. Isaiah 41:13

about 3 years ago

.@VMware's @PGelsinger has a very simple formula for the U.S. to be restored and for long-term leadership in the future of work and 5G tech. @jonfortt #CNBCatWork pic.twitter.com/zegbpLqnH1

A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. John 13:34

about 3 years ago

We believe in creating a business that harnesses the best and brightest talent from every corner of the globe. The competition for tech talent requires immigration policies that allow innovative U.S.-based companies like VMware to attract and hire high-skilled workers globally.

This is crucial to recognize and understand. More often than not, solutions to our biggest struggles are not simple. There are no "quick fixes" to the problems we face today including COVID-19 or systemic racism. bit.ly/3i7PX9c

Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Romans 12:10-12

about 3 years ago

A new global survey conducted before and during the pandemic finally closes the decades-long debate about #digitaltransformation. vmware.com/radius/busines… via @vansonbourne #techtrends #modernapps pic.twitter.com/ufYdHTpppn

about 3 years ago

I'm a strong believer in online re-skilling classes. While it's not a "silver bullet" solution, there is lots of potential here to fill some of the gaps left by the pandemic. bit.ly/3dSRGw6

Do everything in love. 1 Corinthians 16:14

about 3 years ago

Another climate record in the arctic circle. We are seeing a very worrisome portrait develop of protective ice receding and heat waves drying out vegetation. #ClimateChange bit.ly/3gIogm0

"He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak." Isaiah 40:29

about 3 years ago

Just finished Freakonomics by Stephen Dubner and Steven Levitt. Now starting Caesar: Life of a Colossus by Adrian Goldsworthy. Any other book recommendations for me?

about 3 years ago

I found this research really interesting. The three factors that have played the biggest role in CEO's COVID-19 responses: Glass half full vs half empty, Costs vs people, and short term vs long term thinking. bit.ly/32r5Pym

We will see the most noticeable, long-term changes in the most densely populated regions across the globe. It's an opportunity to rethink public policy to allow for less overcrowding. bit.ly/3jecFx5

about 3 years ago

This articles lays out several interesting ideas for the future of learning amidst the pandemic. It's an opportunity for us to democratize access to higher education. bit.ly/2WJA0Nq

Wow! About 1/3 of these I’ve already read so – many of you share my preferences. My next read wish list is now full for the rest of the year. Debt, Frederick Douglass, Meditations, SuperFreakonomics, Iger, Medici are all now on my list! Thank you! twitter.com/PGelsinger/sta…

about 3 years ago

I see several opportunities for emerging technologies such as edge computing and #AI to help make cities safer and more efficient long term. Great use cases outlined here. bit.ly/3jBFIL8

Seek the truth, even when it is uncomfortable. It's important for leading a life of #faith. pic.twitter.com/L47uazvQgq

PGelsinger tweet image
about 3 years ago