113 Tweets by
Chamath Palihapitiya

The All In podcast (@theallinpod) succeeds at being both hilarious & educational. That combination is the new bar. Also, more podcasts should copy the "best friends have frank conversation while also roasting each other" format.

That’s a 17th century rule that need to be amended for people like @chamath. Silly to limit our talent pool when our nation needs great leadership. One idea I’ve had: add 36 years to the age you come to America. twitter.com/tanayj/status/…

I finally understand @chamath 's sense of humor; at least I think I do. It has a certain Rabelaisian quality of excess, satire and the absurd which some people take too literally--and which he enjoys. twitter.com/chamath/status…

As an investor in @SoFi as a private I have been impressed by @anthonynoto 's leadership and the incredible value added by @chamath since we partnered with his SPAC to take the company public and get to today's milestone! twitter.com/SoFi/status/13…

Why tech investor David Sacks says he’s supporting Chamath Palihapitya for CA Governor. Gov. Newsom is “totally beholden to special interests” trib.al/3gDPbmF pic.twitter.com/gDPl8Lwx3C

over 3 years ago

Markets have decided that "bits" are everything and "atoms" are nothing. Bits are resilient and atoms are not. As a result, tech companies have separated themselves from every other company, especially those that make physical things or operate physical things.

The most important implication of this permanent WFH movement are state income taxes. The warm, sunny states with affordable housing and zero taxes will see an influx of educated, rich workers. States will need to cut taxes to keep up. The biggest loser in this is CA.

COVID-19 Glass half full from here: 1. End to partisanship. Rs and Ds cross the aisle, work together and help the country. 2. Create some kind of healthcare for everyone with basic services like testing and basic vaccines free - FUCK YOUR IDEOLOGY!

over 3 years ago

Are people just realizing that after a few weeks of meetings via @zoom_us you may also need @SlackHQ if you need to do work?!?! Slack + Zoom = basic resilience for every organization STARTING NOW.

A tale of two loans: Slack: $750M Airbnb: $1B Slack: 0.5% interest Airbnb: 11-12% interest Slack: loan convertible to equity at +24% premium ($31/share) Airbnb: 1% in equity at -49% discount to last private valuation ($18B valuation) Slack: price maker Airbnb: price taker

Prediction: “back to normalcy” will be massively politicized. This moment is the single best opportunity for states, counties and cities to solve their financial problems and get EVERY unfunded liability paid for by the federal government... bloomberg.com/amp/news/artic…

The best trick some internet companies have played on the world is the one that got us to confuse “free” with “open”.

Republicans and Democrats need to stand up and do the right thing. NOBODY SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO HAVE A LICENSE TO KILL IN AMERICA END QUALIFIED IMMUNITY twitter.com/justinamash/st…

Prediction: A Biological Patriot Act is coming. In order to work or congregate in the future, you will probably have to get regularly tested and have those results in a secure app on your phone. You "check-in" with your health when around strangers.

over 3 years ago

There is a bitcoin scam running on YouTube right now using me and @elonmusk. Please don’t fall for it. It’s not legitimate. I’ve told @YouTube and @Google to remove it but they are some weird combo of asleep / incompetent thus far...will keep trying. pic.twitter.com/NeVgPL7f02

chamath tweet image

An amazing graph: 1) All US cities with population growth are in states where income taxes are 5% or less 2) 5 of 9 US cities (55%) with population growth are in states with zero income taxes 3) Backdrop is only 7 states (14%) in the US have zero income taxes pic.twitter.com/F6aOtELLqc

chamath tweet image

Books come in three forms: fact, fiction and fiction masquerading as fact. Most books fall into this latter category so read wisely!

over 3 years ago

I’ve interviewed hundreds of people for numerous companies over the past 20 years of building businesses. I’ve experimented with many interview questions and most are only semi useful, but one, above all, has been the most useful. A thread...

over 3 years ago

The American Dream of upward mobility is not just dying for people but for companies, too. Poor ppl remain poor. Rich ppl remain rich and get richer. Small co's remain small. Big co's remain big and get bigger. Change the outcome? Change the rules. hbr.org/2019/08/the-ga…

over 3 years ago

Short term capitalism is about the art of the profitable. Long term capitalism is about the art of the possible. As interest rates approach zero, long term capitalism is the only capitalism that has value.

over 3 years ago

This pandemic will hopefully mark the end of the perversion of higher education. Since the 1980s, kids and parents have been forced to play a series of stupid finite games - grades, extra curriculars, influence peddling, donations for infinite assets: skills and knowledge.

over 3 years ago

Monopolies are bad...for everyone. Whenever you get so much value concentrated in so few companies, it means the markets think they are monopolies. It usually puts a huge target on their backs. Buyer beware. twitter.com/chigrl/status/…

over 3 years ago

For the morons who defend buybacks, consider this: IBM bought back $140 billion of stock over last 20 years IBM market cap is now $105 billion. IBM just reported its lowest revenue since 1998. How is this winning, again?

over 3 years ago

A case study will be written on how Microsoft allowed Zoom to eat their lunch. They spent millions on subterfuge trying to paint Slack as an inferior enemy when MSFT Teams actually can't do what Slack does and Teams' real competitor was Zoom. Now Zoom has 300M Daily Users. Lol.

over 3 years ago

You can be a progressive and believe that unions are a force for good that protects worker rights, fights for better pay and better training. But you can also believe unions that hide their members from accountability or incompetence can make society worse, not better.

over 3 years ago

Elihu Yale was a slave trader. Leland Stanford was a racist. These are the schools we tell our kids to kill themselves over, for parents to cheat over and for society to fawn over. But their founders were scumbags.

over 3 years ago