27 Tweets by
Ranveer Allahbadia

Things that shouldn’t be rushed in life : - Sex & Relationships - Promotions & career jumps - Fitness/yoga routines - Friendships All these are deep, meaningful life experiences. Life is not a sprint. Life is a dance that is meant to be enjoyed in a state of slow flow.

about 3 years ago

The rise of Instagram reels & YouTube shorts will surely reduce the attention spans of an entire generation. If you don’t believe me, use them daily for a month or so. Notice how you feel after. Makes me a little uncertain about the future of long form content like podcasts.

about 3 years ago

Is your relationship strong enough to endure the hell you will most definitely go through? Modern day relationships are ALWAYS destined to be difficult. You must fuel a relationship with : - Communication - Loyalty - Honesty - Time - Empathy Else, focus on YOU, first.

How to spot someone’s insecurities :- Notice the sentences that are followed by a filler : - Umm - Uhh - Anyway... - Yeah... and then... People have an inbuilt urge to be validated or reassured when they’re voicing their vulnerabilities. Keep your ears open.

Workouts are like a warm shower for the mind. Workout so much that you no longer need discipline to workout. Workout so much that they become your greatest escape.

about 3 years ago

Don’t do hurtful shit to good people. Not every good person is strong enough to be unchanged after hurtful shit has been done to them. Doing bad things to good people is the absolute worst karma. Be conscious of your choices. Be even more conscious of your actions.

about 3 years ago

In order to increase your productivity: Reduce the amount of decisions you make in a day. - Learn to delegate. - Make teamwork a crucial part of your professional life. - Work with people who are more capable than you are. A mind less loaded, is a mind that’s efficient.

about 3 years ago

Power and clout amplify the karma of the smallest actions. Act consciously, especially as you grow. When you take people with you... Every action, every thought affects them as well. Do what’s right, especially as you rise.

about 3 years ago

If you look for numbers and proofs behind everything, you will forever be limited. Many of the greatest inventions, discoveries and studies began in the land of intuition or dreams. Be humble enough to accept that science doesn’t have all the answers. There’s a long way to go.

about 3 years ago

You’ve only gotta bad mouth people when your work isn’t good mouthing your game. Winners focus on their own games and nothing else.

about 3 years ago

The shittier the food, the sexier the body

about 3 years ago

The stronger the relationship, the less it is required to flaunt it on social media.

Creating art is therapy, where your memories serve as your therapist. Therefore : - Write - Compose - Film - Draw And witness your art heal your soul.

about 3 years ago

I toy a LOT with the idea of becoming a “full time” podcaster. Currently, we do 2-3 episodes a week. Want to hit the 4 episodes a week mark consistently. But India may not be ready for that large an amount of long-form-content. Took 2 years to even get people to warm up to it

about 3 years ago

Our minds are biologically designed to focus on the negatives. It’s called the “theory of negative bias” Early on in your career, learn to focus on the good and learn to ignore the naysayers. If you grow in any aspect of life, there will be people who will envy your growth.

about 3 years ago

An underrated aspect of a content creation career is the huge amount of learning involved. The research, questions and writing that goes into creating scripts… it’s an intense process man… The result is a much richer, enhanced mind. Knowledge is the gift of this career!

about 3 years ago

When educational “success” is associated more with the ability to ask the right questions, and less with the ability to rote learn… India will produce leaders. And the right leaders will bring India the glory that it rightfully deserves. Do not celebrate rote learning.

Stretching & sleep are food for the body’s healing mechanisms. Better skin, better hair, better mental health, better strength, better speed, better agility, better stamina, better explosiveness, better recovery, better creativity, better focus. Stretching & sleep.

about 3 years ago

The more you learn, the likelier you are to become famous. The more you do, the likelier you are to become rich. The more you pause, the likelier you are become peaceful. The more you help, the likelier you are to evolve.

about 3 years ago

Education never gets over in the modern world’s context. Technology is advancing, new professions are sprouting up and creativity is the most in-demand skill. Be a fierce learner for the rest of your life. Podcasts, documentaries, non-fiction books - Your new syllabus.

about 3 years ago

My urge to buy new clothes has died out since the pandemic began. My urge to take care of my body and mind has increased in the same time period. Anyone else feel like this? Sustainable, self-care oriented lifestyles are the new trends.

about 3 years ago

Spiritual practices (meditation, prayer, yoga, pranayama, gratitude, studies) are what our ancestors thought of as therapy. Modern therapists are doing the noble job of helping lost minds and lost souls find themselves. But what if schools or colleges did this for us instead?

about 3 years ago

Everything we do in life, we do to get laid. (Evolutionary psychology) Except meditation. (Spirituality) Which we do to feel like we’re getting laid all the time. (Mindfulness)

about 3 years ago

Keep shaming folks for being positive and working hard… You will keep staying where you are, while the optimists & the hustlers build the world and change its rules. There is only one way to help the world, and that’s by optimistic hard work. Help the world or fade away

about 3 years ago

Peace begins when you realise that wealth will not give you the happiness that love already does. And love is found all around you. Not just in a romantic relationship.

about 3 years ago

In the last couple of years, I've truly witnessed 'The Power of Compounding', that we all hear about. Patience and consistency pay off more than you'd imagine (Especially when you're in your early 20s) To every young, ambitious person reading this... Just keep at it, and...

Find like-minded folks who will work just as hard as you will. You will NOT build anything substantial if you try building it alone. Find your tribe and stick by them. Help each other when you fall. Learn from each other. And eventually, RISE TOGETHER. Good luck, God bless!

about 3 years ago