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Mike D
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Backend devs when they have to write CSS pic.twitter.com/5hCBy3uWWO

iamaponte tweet image
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over 2 years ago

Learn JavaScript by Playing games 🔥 A Thread 🧵👇

10 Websites every developer must know 🔥🔥 A thread 🧵

12 Programming Languages to Learn in 2022: (for Job & Future) 👇 1. JavaScript 2. Python 3. Go 4. Java 5. Kotlin 6. PHP 7. C# 8. Swift 9. R 10. Ruby 11. C and C++ 12. Matlab 👆Which language are you planning to learn in 2022?

6.5 years ago I started my web development journey. If I start from ZERO again I would go with this path: 1. HTML & CSS 2. Git & GitHub 3. Boostrap /Flexbox 4. JavaScript 5. NPM 6. React 7. UI Libraries 8. Styled Components /Tailwind 9. TypeScript 10. GraphQL THREAD🧵 ↓

8 Most Effective Ways to Overcome Procrastination **THREAD**

List of skills you need to be an employable front-end developer: 1. HTML 2. CSS 3. JavaScript 4. Git 5. Ability to create + deploy projects using those And to greatly level up your chances, add these: 6. Sass/Tailwind 7. JS framework (React/Vue) 8. Meta framework (Next/Nuxt)

4 years ago I started learning about the JavaScript library —ReactJS Here are 11 resources I used to learn everything in my journey. THREAD 🧵 ↓

almost 3 years ago

17 Killer Websites for Web Developer 🤯 99.8% don't know all of them. THREAD 🧵 ↓

I've just passed the AWS Certified Developer Associate Exam on my first try and with 3 weeks of preparation🔥 Here are my learnings and the resources I've used 🧵👇

20 Powerful lessons from the book “The Almanack of Naval Ravikant” =Thread pic.twitter.com/0xDOPe6E9P

1DeepNote tweet image

FREE UI/UX Course for Beginners 🎨 🧵

almost 3 years ago

7 Free Icon Packs for @NotionHQ A thread:

almost 3 years ago

1. Use action to create motivation. 2. Relish the process, not the outcome. 3. Shift your attention to benefitting others.

"If You Have No Motivation to Do Anything Open This" Thread