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Learn JavaScript by Playing games 🔥 A Thread 🧵👇

10 Websites every developer must know 🔥🔥 A thread 🧵

12 Programming Languages to Learn in 2022: (for Job & Future) 👇 1. JavaScript 2. Python 3. Go 4. Java 5. Kotlin 6. PHP 7. C# 8. Swift 9. R 10. Ruby 11. C and C++ 12. Matlab 👆Which language are you planning to learn in 2022?

6.5 years ago I started my web development journey. If I start from ZERO again I would go with this path: 1. HTML & CSS 2. Git & GitHub 3. Boostrap /Flexbox 4. JavaScript 5. NPM 6. React 7. UI Libraries 8. Styled Components /Tailwind 9. TypeScript 10. GraphQL THREAD🧵 ↓

List of skills you need to be an employable front-end developer: 1. HTML 2. CSS 3. JavaScript 4. Git 5. Ability to create + deploy projects using those And to greatly level up your chances, add these: 6. Sass/Tailwind 7. JS framework (React/Vue) 8. Meta framework (Next/Nuxt)

17 Killer Websites for Web Developer 🤯 99.8% don't know all of them. THREAD 🧵 ↓

I've just passed the AWS Certified Developer Associate Exam on my first try and with 3 weeks of preparation🔥 Here are my learnings and the resources I've used 🧵👇