7 Tweets about
Adult Friendship
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This is the best summation of the levels of friendship I've ever seen. Kudos to @thogge. Saw it about a week ago and have been thinking about it ever since. pic.twitter.com/CSbPDMFk0h

BrentBeshore tweet image
about 1 year ago

BIG CLAIM: this is how friendship works. allow me to explain pic.twitter.com/3P7GRNZdwB

rhymeswithvocal tweet image
over 2 years ago

stop and read this. it's not long. this is an incredible little piece of insight from someone perfectly positioned to see it, and it puts words to a thing most of the men i know (including me) experience so latently that we don't even think about it anymore. fascinating. pic.twitter.com/BNlhvpDmia

ExLegeLibertas tweet image

Dunbar on Dunbar's number as not really just a number, but layers of differing closeness: theatlantic.com/family/archive… pic.twitter.com/DJeNbzolQU

seanrose tweet image
over 3 years ago

How Friendships Change When You Become An Adult ← wonderful. theatlantic.com/health/archive… pic.twitter.com/YVMOa2FwDf

seanrose tweet image
over 3 years ago

“internet friends” == “real friends"

almost 4 years ago

good adult friendships are predicated on giving a shit about what other people are thinking about, what they are going through, the shared experiences you hold onto

over 4 years ago