“The internet is destroying institutions and replacing them with individuals” — @Naval pic.twitter.com/vFeRmDHUaM
almost 4 years ago
Today's tweet thread is on my thesis on the Downfall of Gatekeepers. What is it? Why? And where will gatekeepers continue to exist? Read on >>
almost 4 years ago
I have read many wise thinker saying that the pandemic will reinforce trust in institutions - but this is what I see has happened, in most countries, again and again... bloomberg.com/news/articles/…
almost 4 years ago
The fastest way to become an expert is to create your own field of study
Saved to
David Perell
over 4 years ago
What's the best explanation you have or have come across for how & why this is happening? twitter.com/naval/status/1…
about 5 years ago