2 Tweets about
Culture War
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No hate towards her in the replies — this is nuanced. It’s a small yet loud percent, but the fact that some believe looking at men as human beings has to prefaced with “which makes me sound very conservative. It’s not” …… wild times Both women and men are facing crises,… x.com/i/web/status/1… pic.twitter.com/fe0CQkPPdT

Saved to Culture War
5 months ago

I fear @tylercowen is right about this downside of the internet fostering weirdness and diversity of opinion. It's a more uncomfortable interpretation that 'polarization', because in this story no one is really at fault: econtalk.org/tyler-cowen-on… pic.twitter.com/3H1uBQgqGl

robertwiblin tweet image
over 3 years ago