4 Blog Posts about
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  • The goal of any analytics stack is to be able to answer questions about the business with data
  • Where data comes from : production data stores, instrumentation, SaaS tools, and public data
  • Where data goes : managed data warehouses and homegrown storage
  • How data moves around : ETL tools, SaaS connectors, and streaming
  • How data gets ready : modeling, testing, and documentation
  • How data gets used
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  • "By sitting down to make sense of their existing ideas instead of trying to invent new ones, writers at their computer mold the wet clay of experience into shape."
  • "The punch that defines good communication, and by extension, good art"
  • "To ship something excellent, you have to be willing to cut what may have taken weeks or months to produce."
  • "The supreme goal of all theory is to make the irreducible basic elements as simple and as few as possible without having to surrender the adequate representation of a single datum of experience - Einstein"
  • "The process of gathering ideas and distilling them into a smaller, more compressed form is the essence of creative excellence. "
  • "People move towards compression progress not by following their rational mind, but by following their intuition for what’s interesting."
  • You can't skip steps. Compression requires going through each step to get to the final output, otherwise the final output won't be accurate.
  • "Compression can conjure the essence of an experience, but never the real thing."
    • "Whenever I’m nostalgic for that live show and long for something comforting, I’ll open my phone and re-watch the highlights. But no matter how many times I pray for a different outcome, that intense feeling is forever gone"
  • "A map is not the territory it represents, but, if correct, it has a similar structure to the territory, which accounts for its usefulness"
  • Good examples of compression:
    • Just do it - Nike
    • Antifragile - Taleb
    • E = mc²
  • Disortion can be useful. E.g NY subway map. (Felt this was off-them and a weak ending)
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