The 9 Stages Of Ego Development Part 1
- *In Progress
- EDT is "A full spectrum theory of vertical growth and meaning making." it models how self-identity evolves over time.
- Based on sentence completion tests from 1980 to 2000.
- Ego Transcendence is one thing (which very few people get to), but before then the ego can also mature over time.
- The ego is what makes sense of the world. Changes in it change how the world is viewed.
- Pre-conventional
- Symbiotic
- Babies
- Impulsive
- Other people seen as objects.
- Views world in black and white
- Opportunist
- "What you might call 'uncivilized'"
- Not capable of insight into self or others minds
- Everything is zero sum
- No planning - all short term. "Flying by the seats of their pants". Little consideration to consequences.
- Sense of 2 selves - my real self and the one I put out into the world.
- Rules recognised but not respected.
- Self respect is whether you can controls others.
- Others always to blame.
- Actions only bad if caught. No shame or guilt.
- Conventional
- Post-conventional
over 4 years ago
- Ego Development
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Leo Gura
over 4 years ago