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You don't have any "values." Those are a malign myth—the hypothetical axioms of a first-principles ethical/motivational system from which, in the rationalist imagination, concrete judgements derive. I keep saying this without explanation; here's a bit from Miya Perry: pic.twitter.com/PypznYJrjG

Meaningness tweet image
Saved to Morality
10 months ago

Kant was right? The slippery slope of ethical lapses is very real, this paper shows. People who are given the opportunity to engage in small ethical compromises are twice as likely to escalate to major unethical lapses. Holding to absolute ethical standards helps prevent a slide pic.twitter.com/DeF8Sn0hNu

emollick tweet image
Saved to Morality
almost 2 years ago

Everybody makes fun of the people who will go into a clearly haunted house or an obvious murder basement but my least favorite "never saw a horror movie" real life trope is people who think eugenics "would be a good or even great thing, if done for the right reasons".

27/ It might seem germaine but the basis of morality matters. pic.twitter.com/n1futBTqjG

Ben_Reinhardt tweet image
about 4 years ago