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Carl Jung: Face to Face
  • I did not know there was video footage this clear of Jung - fascinating
  • Things that stand out
    • Interviewer, whoever he is, is remarkably good and asks great questions.
    • The conversation could be had today - very little about it (neither the way they use language nor the things they speak about) would seem out of place if the same conversation was had today - which is surprising given he was born in 1875 - that feels so long ago.
    • He seems like a genuinely nice person. Not sure what I expected but probably for him to be much more eccentric.
  • "We are of an immense historical age"
  • "When it comes to psychological types - I was characterized by thinking. I had a great deal of intuition. I was not good at feeling. My relationship to reality was not great"
  • "Freud was always certain, I was always doubting myself"
  • A great change of our psychological attitudes is imminent. We know nothing of man, far too little. We are the original of all coming evil, and thus should be studied.
  • Interesting he thought a third world war was likely (in 1960)
  • I don't believe that man ever will deviate from the original pattern of his being.
  • "The psyche does not live in time and space alone", that means a practical continuation of life beyond time and space.
  • "I don't believe just for the sake of believing it. I must have a practical hypothesis, then I know it"
  • "To shrink away from death is to evade life."
  • "It is better for old people to live on, to look forward to the next day, as if he would spend centuries, and then he lives properly". "When he looks back instead of forward he gets stiff and dies before his time"
  • "With increasing technology, it seems increasingly necessary for people to behave communally and collectively" - interesting to hear this said 60 years ago.
  • "My patients all seek to assure their existence against atomization and meaninglessness"
about 3 years ago