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How effective is MDMA for trauma? Here, @NolanRyWilliams of @StanfordMed @StanfordPSY explains on the Huberman Lab Podcast. Episode out now about TMS & Psychedelics for Depression: hubermanlab.com (all formats linked). @ScienceMagazine pic.twitter.com/Y5NUoMo8rJ

over 2 years ago

The clear anti-depressant effects of psychedelics & ketamine may not even be related to the experiences & insights that occur during their use. Rather, ketamine has long term effects on opioid systems that relieve depression & psylocibin & LSD may too. Mechanisms not obvious yet.

My TEDx Talk is finally online! If all the effort, time, and energy I put into delivering this word-perfect speech prevents a single cluster headache... it'll all be worth it. But I'm aiming for more! Thank you to the amazing TEDx Miami coaching team! <3 youtu.be/_gdtHXQW8Os

over 2 years ago

LSD should be legal, but IMO many people overrate it. It seems like a typical trip creates "insights" that can't be communicated and don't have much effect on the world afterwards

over 2 years ago