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  • Figma appears across most categories, is growing, and is by a long shot the tool people are "Most excited to try in 2021" - around 700% higher than the next tool, Sketch.
  • "Miro grew from being used by 5% of respondents in 2019 to 33% in 2020."
  • "66% of designers use Figma for UI design, as opposed to 37% in 2019"
  • "The benefits of online tools: autosaving, link sharing, live collaboration"
  • Invision stil steadily declining as the go-to prototyping tool.
  • "Adobe XD grew 10x from being used by 1% of respondents in 2019 to 11% for managing a design system."
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Saved to UX
almost 4 years ago
  • Good overview on using tasks/goals/needs based personas instead of fictional character representations with demographics.
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about 4 years ago
  • Strategy: The reason for the product, application or the site, why we create it, who are we doing this for, why people are willing to use it, why they need it
  • Scope: Functional and content requirements. What are the features, and content contained in the application or product.
  • Structure: How user interact with the product, how system behave when user interact, how it’s organized, prioritized, and how much of it. Two components:
    • Interaction Design
    • Information Architecture - arrangement of content elements, how they are organized.
  • Skeleton - The visual form on the screen, presentation and arrangement of all elements. 3 components:
    • Interface design
    • Navigation design
    • Information design
  • Surface - sum total of all the work and decisions we have made. Visual Design(Sensory Design) - concerned about the visual appearance of content, controls, which gives a clue of what user can do, and how to interact with them.
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about 4 years ago